Thursday, July 30, 2009

Where does a Mother go to Resign?

You would think I would have learned by now. Obviously I haven’t. SA’s antics still catch me off guard. Yesterday, got a credit card bill – hmmmmmmm there was a charge I had no clue about. Started looking for my card, missing from my wallet. Yep, stole my card and ran up charges. Arghhhhhhh When I asked him about it he becomes irate “Why do you always blame me?” “X probably did it.” Right, I don’t know, it might be because of all the stolen stuff I find in your room every time I check. Or maybe it’s because you have a tendency to steal anything that isn’t behind lock and key or cemented down. Sometimes I just get so fed up.

No one warned me of the stress level involved with adopting kids with serious issues. 20 years of daily stress has taken its toll. I think maybe I have finally reached my limit. Oops, that’s right mother’s can’t resign. Shucks!!!!!!!!!!!

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