Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Moving Forward - 1 Dollar at a Time

I have finished reading Dave Ramsey's book "Total Money Makeover."  So excellent.  I am excited to get started.

OK - figured out that I really need to finish the 1st Baby Step before I start Step 2.  I get a bit excited and want to do it all.  So, I will work on getting that $1,000 in the Emergency Fund.  It is up to over $700 so only around $300 more to go.  Should get that in there in the near future.

I really want to draw the line in the sand and say "NO MORE CREDIT CARDS."  That would work for me.  Ah, but it so much easier to say than to do.  But this is really what I want!!!

The hard thing is we are trying to get a house on the market to sell.  Need to finish fixing it up and putting down new carpet.   It has always been so easy to put "whatever" on a card.  Now we will have to be creative.  Maybe I will have to find a 3rd job or something.  Once the other house sells, things should ease up and we can start making more headway on the Snowball. 


Here are a couple more things I plan to do to economize -

1. Write a weekly menu and stick to it when shopping.
2. Only go to the grocery store once a week.
3. Make at least 2 budget meals a week.
4. Take my lunch to work every day.
5. If and when we go out to eat - only drink water. (do you realize how much you can save by not drinking pop or tea at a restaurant? - It's amazing)

Now for another one of my whys:

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